TrueAllele solves uninterpretable DNA in mother and daughter double homicide

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Different TrueAllele® users, same DNA answer: a multi-center proficiency study

William P. Allan, MS, Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, Matthew M. Legler, BS, Jonathan Perlin, MS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Different TrueAllele® users, same DNA answer: a multi-center proficiency study", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-May-2024.


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The objective TrueAllele® genotyping computer gets the same DNA match statistics, regardless of laboratory or analyst. The identification information doesn’t depend on sequencer or STR kit. TrueAllele learns lab parameters from evidence data without calibration. Our multi-center study shows that analysts everywhere get everything at once from all their DNA data.